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November 21, 2013
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting of November 21, 2013

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:07pm at the Library with Trustees Buckley, Little, Salerno and Schild present and Trustee Yale present and presiding.  Ms. Tracy was present.  Trustee Merry and Mayor Driscoll were absent.
John Doherty of Eastern Wealth Management gave a presentation on the Eastern investments.   Mr. Doherty will let Ms. Tracy know of any relevant upcoming seminars and Ms. Tracy will inform the Trustees.

Approval of draft minutes of September 19, 2013 -- UNANIMOUS

Current Library Use and Financial reports were distributed.  
A holiday gift for staff was discussed.  Ms. Tracy relayed the staff’s great appreciation in past years.  Trustee Salerno made a motion to give all staff members a gift at the same level as last year.  This was seconded by Trustee Yale and passed UNANIMOUSLY.

Trustee Schild informed the Board she was hearing good things about the Children’s Room’s new “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” program designed to develop early literacy skills.

Ms. Tracy informed the Board of a meeting with the Mayor, Financial Director Sarah Stanton and Human Resources Director Lisa Cammarata.  Inequities between salaries of Library Department Heads as well as comparisons to surrounding communities for all positions were discussed.  Adjustments between Department Heads have been addressed and in FY15 all salaries are scheduled to be reviewed.

A discussion of the current outdated Education Assistance Policy was discussed.  Trustee Buckley will work with Ms. Tracy to revise and update the policy.

Ms. Tracy reported the color ”Avocado Peel” (a dark green ) was approved for the fence by the Salem Historical Commission.  Kevin Foucher will be engaging a painter for the job.

The marble threshold at the main entrance of the library is damaged and needs to be replaced.  Roger Tremblay was brought in and gave a quote.  Ms. Tracy will contact architect Bob Farley about the repair.

Ms. Tracy attended the CPA Public Hearing in November as the library is hoping to apply for some funding for repairs to the back roof.  The committee (CPC) is cautiously following all the many steps required as it institutes its initial plan. There will be a two step application process.   No time line has been determined for this process.  

In other business Ms. Tracy told of an upcoming author presentation for “Legendary Locals of Salem” and a planned Community Read this summer of Hannah Tinti’s “The Good Thief”.  A thank you note from retired Reference Librarian Jane Walsh was shown to Trustees and there was a discussion of the Benson painting.

Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.